Hardware fitting systems

Hardware is available for doors and windows. The fitting system is a key moment, crucial for the proper and practical operation of your door or window so pay special attention to this part, because it depends on your comfort.

Our fitting systems for windows and doors are in accordance to all technological regulations and standards. With high quality and technology of the hardware we guarantee trouble-free and durable functioning of the doors and windows. High quality and adequate hardware fitting system protects from burglary.


The Austrian MASO fittings provide three opening alternatives and give opportunity for manufacturing not only standard-shape windows but also windows of a specific shape. The fittings function effortlessly, and they are beautiful and easy to service.

MACO fittings are galvanized, passivated and sealed with wax, which also allows better anti-corrosion protection. MACO fittings for micro ventilation provide controlled ventilation which doesn’t allow heat loss without any additional elements. Easy to clean with extra burglary protection in fixed micro ventilation position.